the health and well-being at work of our employees and promote the attractiveness of the region

Since the end of 2018, the Human Resources policy has been structured around 3 main pillars:
1. Human development
3. Communication
nearly 100 jobs in 12 years
This means a total of 550 jobs; in fact, one job created in the industry generates 1.5 indirect jobs (through the activity of the factory) and 3 induced jobs (through the consumption of the employees hired).
The company employs 200 people, 97% of whom are on permanent contracts, and makes little use of temporary workers. For us, it is a question of ensuring permanent employment to enable employees to satisfy their needs and implement their personal or family projects. Recruitment has gradually accompanied the company’s growth.
BCF Life Sciences employees give their opinion
Since 2020, an annual Quality of Life at Work barometer is conducted to understand and take into consideration the feelings and expectations of employees and managers. This barometer is accompanied by the implementation of an action plan to improve the quality of life of our employees.
In November 2023, all employees were questioned about their perception of Quality of Life at work at BCF Life Sciences. The results were well above the benchmark for companies of the same size.

BCF Life Sciences obtains a score of 89 out of 100 points for the year 2023
The law of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose one’s professional future introduced the Women-Men Equality Index within companies with at least 50 employees.
This index is a tool for measuring pay inequalities between women and men in an organization through the calculation of 4 pay indicators that total a score out of 100 points.
BCF Life Sciences obtained a score of 89 out of 100 points for the year 2023, thus exceeding the 75-point threshold set by the French Ministry of Employment.
The result of this indicator highlights BCF Life Sciences’ commitment to promoting gender diversity within its teams and reducing the gender pay gap through the human aspect of its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach.